Testosterone Replacement: A Short Guide

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Getting older often brings along with it new aches, pains, and changes to the body. If you're approaching middle age, it's natural that you may notice that you're more tired and your mood is depressed. While in some cases those feelings subside, there are people who experience an overall rundown feeling and lack of interest in life for months and months. If you feel like that, it's possible that your hormones, particularly testosterone, are to blame.

The production of testosterone does slow with age. For men especially, that can manifest as depression, fatigue and lack of interest in a sex life. However, low testosterone can have similar effects on women. Luckily, testosterone replacement services exist to help such people.

What Does Testosterone Therapy Involve?

This therapy includes small amounts of the hormone being ingested, injected, or absorbed. Doses are meant to replace the amount of hormone being lost naturally. A common way to administer testosterone is through bio-identical pellets that are injected into fatty parts of the body like the buttocks or "love handles".

Can Anyone Receive Testosterone Therapy?

Generally, testosterone therapy is given when there is clear evidence that low testosterone is the root of the symptoms you may be experiencing. That evidence is done with a blood test ordered by your chiropractor or family physician. What usually happens is that you will visit your doctor or chiropractor, and after hearing about the symptoms you're having, they'll ask you to be tested. Once the test returns in the affirmative, therapy can begin.

How Soon Does It Begin Working?

If you've been recommended to undergo testosterone therapy, know that a set time to experience relief doesn't exist. Some people feel much better about life in a few days, while others improve steadily over time.

Can Someone Taking Pellets Try Alternative Treatments Too?

Pellets aren't the only way to address low testosterone, and once you take them, it could be even more beneficial to seek other non-injection therapies. In fact, chiropractors have multiple techniques for bringing your hormones into harmony and balance. For example, a chiropractor can perform what's known as spinal subluxation. Your primary physician might recommend dietary changes and exercise. 

With this information, hormone replacement is less frightening. If possible low testosterone is a concern, it's time to consult and discuss it with your chiropractor or physician. With their guidance and testosterone replacement services, your health should improve substantially over time
