Four Ways To Work With Your Chiropractic Adjustments

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Chiropractic adjustments can make you feel better, but if you want the good feeling and benefits to last longer, you need to work with the process and not against it. Here are four primary ways to do that. 1. Be careful after the appointment. You should take your time to rise from the adjusting table and avoid any jerking movements. For a few hours afterward you will want to avoid:…

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3 Ailments Chiropractors Can Effectively Treat In Children

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When your baby or child gets sick, the first place you normally take them is their pediatrician. If none of their recommended treatments seem to be working, it might be time to see the chiropractor. Here are three common ailments in babies and children chiropractors are able to treat. Colic - Characterized by inconsolable crying episodes, colic usually occurs in babies between two weeks and four months old. Colic has been proven to be difficult to treat simply because its causes are unknown.…

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Three Natural Ways To Reduce Arthritis Hip Pain

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When you have arthritis in your hips, simple tasks like walking up the stairs or picking up a dropped fridge magnet can be painful, if not impossible. Many patients rely on over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and naproxen to keep their pain at bay. While these pain relievers do have their place, they can cause some side effects such as stomach bleeding and an increased risk of heart attack. Thus, it’s important to use them in moderation, and in combination with other, more natural treatments such as:…

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Do You Suffer From A Slipping Rib? 3 Common Signs To Look Out For

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As you grow older, you may notice that certain aches and pains are more persistent than others. If you suffer from relentless, undiagnosed pain in your chest or abdomen, you may be suffering from a condition known as slipping rib syndrome or Tietze’s syndrome. Below is an in-depth look at what slipping rib syndrome is, how it happens and what you need to know to fix it. Tietze’s Syndrome Slipping rib syndrome or Tietze’s syndrome was first discovered by Dr.…

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